Desktop SDK installation

The Plus Six Desktop SDK is a Java app that runs alongside your native kiosk app. By default, the Desktop app acts as a wireless keyboard and mouse with no integration into your native app. It can move the system cursor, simulate real mouse clicks, send keystrokes from the software keyboard, and scroll whatever is under the mouse like a traditional trackpad or mousewheel. Additional and advanced integration options and techniques are described below. Plus Six expects that your kiosk can run the app on startup and open up ports for two purposes: communicating with the Plus Six server for user connections and running its own web server to provide an agnostic, local, public API via http requests.

1. Get an auth key from Plus Six

Contact Plus Six for trial credentials.

2. Download the app

Download the native app. As of now, we've packaged it for Windows 64-bit machines. Unzip the files into a location that can run shell commands.

Get the current download link from your Plus Six contact.

3. Try it out!

To quickly test the SDK, you can update the data/config.json file with your auth key, and start up the app by double-clicking plus-six-launch.cmd. If things work, then it's time to set up a startup script and further customize your installation. All configuration options can be found in the Browser API doc, but some important additional config properties for the Desktop version can be found in the Desktop API doc.

Be sure to always keep the QR code large enough to be easily scanned by a camera at an appropriate distance away from the screen. Also, for UX purposes, think about how you might want to move, show, and hide the QR Widget during the lifecycle of your app. Most of the time, we would recommend not hiding the QR code, as it both acts as a status indicator, and allows the next user in line to take control of the kiosk if the previous user stepped away before timing out.

4. Create a config file and startup script

You'll need to add custom configuration values for:

The following is a bare minimum installation. See the API docs for all configuration options.

  accountId:           'customer-id',
  accountKey:          '123456',

Further custom integration

Check back soon for more custom integration examples.