Browser SDK API

To configure and manage your Plus Six installation, use the following integration points:

Config options

Config options are passed in on initialization via a config object. Here's an example with all options with their default (or an example) value. At a bare minimum, you can just include accountId, accountKey, and widgetContainer. Each config parameter is explained further in the tables below.

const plusSix = new PlusSix({
  // account auth
  accountId:                  '12345',
  accountKey:                 '67890',
  // session
  sessionRecycleInterval:     60 * 1000,
  sessionUserTimeout:         60 * 1000,
  sessionMaxLength:           120 * 1000,
  sessionWarningTime:         10 * 1000,
  // QR widget
  widgetContainer:            document.body,
  widgetColorConnected:       '#5D47FF',
  widgetImageCTA:             '...',
  widgetQrLogo:               '...',
  widgetAddShadow:            true,
  widgetBorderRadius:         0,
  widgetQrClickable:          false,
  // pointer
  pointerClickEvent:          'click',
  pointerMoveAmp:             1,
  pointerScale:               1,
  pointerColor:               '#5D47FF',
  pointerColorTouch:          '#ffffff',
  pointerColorStroke:         '#000000',
  pointerColorRipple:         '#5D47FF',
  // touchpad config
  touchpadColorMain:          '#5D47FF',
  touchpadHeaderLogo:         '...',
  touchpadKeepInstructions:   false,
  touchpadHideClickButton:    false,
  touchpadRedirectURL:        '',
  touchpadRedirectTimeout:    6 * 1000,
  // debug
  printConfig:                true,

Auth setup (required)

Property Type Description
accountId string Customer ID, provided by Plus Six
accountKey string Customer Key, provided by Plus Six

User session timing

Property Type Default Description
sessionRecycleInterval number 60000 (1 minute) How often to recycle the QR code URL, in milliseconds
sessionUserTimeout number 60000 (1 minute) User activity timeout before recycling the QR code, in milliseconds
sessionMaxLength number 120000 (2 minutes) Maximum time allowed for a user session, in milliseconds
sessionWarningTime number 10000 (10 seconds) How long before the session end to send a warning event

QR Widget config

Property Type Default Description
widgetContainer HTMLElement document.body Your own container element for the QR Widget. Browser SDK only
widgetQrLogo string null A base64-encoded, 80x80 png or jpg image that gets pasted into the center of the QR Widget. No default.
widgetImageCTA string null A base64-encoded, 80x80 png or jpg image that appears in the header of the QR Widget, as a simple way to add a CTA. No default.
widgetColorConnected string #5D47FF Color of the session timeout progress bar when a user is connected. Should be a dark brand color. Defaults to Plus Six branding.
widgetAddShadow boolean true Adds a basic box-shadow to the QR Widget to pop it off the page
widgetBorderRadius number 4 Adds a border-radius to the QR Widget component
widgetQrClickable boolean false Allows the QR code to be cliked or dragged into a new browser window. Helpful for debugging. Browser SDK only

Pointer config

Property Type Default Description
pointerClickEvent string click Which event your buttons respond to in your kiosk. Recommended values: click, mouseup, touchend
pointerMoveAmp number 1 Multiply Touchpad swipes to speed up or slow down the Pointer
pointerScale number 1 Multiply Pointer scale on-screen
pointerColor string #ffffff Fill color of the Pointer
pointerColorTouch string #cccccc Fill color of the Pointer while Touchpad is being swiped
pointerColorStroke string #000000 Stroke (outline) color of the Pointer
pointerColorRipple string #ffffff Stroke (outline) color of the ripple effect when the Touchpad sends a click command. Browser SDK only

Touchpad config

Property Type Default Description
touchpadColorMain string #5D47FF Main color of the touchpad interface. Should be a dark brand color. Defaults to Plus Six branding
touchpadHeaderLogo string null A base64-encoded svg or png logo image that appears on the Touchpad header. Needs to have a viewBox attribute for responsive scaling. No default
touchpadKeepInstructions boolean false If true, keeps the inline touchpad instructions up after the initial user interaction
touchpadHideClickButton boolean false If true, hides the click button on the Touchpad interface. Useful if there are no kiosk buttons to click
touchpadRedirectURL string null After a user session ends, the browser will redirect to this URL
touchpadRedirectTimeout string 6000 (6 seconds) How long to wait after the session ends before redirecting


Property Type Default Description
printConfig boolean false If true, prints out the SDK config and custom text values to the console. This helps to ensure your settings have been set as intended

Private config (interal use only)

Property Type Default Description
platform String browser browser, desktop, ios, or android

Text config

You can set custom copy on any Touchpad element that can be populated upon connecting to your kiosk. The following properties (with their defaults listed here) can be set with a call to touchpadSetText() on the PlusSix object after initialization. You can override any or all of these text blocks:

  textTouchpadInstructions:    "Swipe to<br>move the cursor.",
  textSessionTimedOut:         "Your session<br>has timed out.<br><br>Scan the QR to<br>reconnect.",
  textSessionQuit:             "Your session<br>has ended.<br><br>Scan the QR to<br>reconnect.",
  textQuit:                    "EXIT",
  textClick:                   "Click",
  textTapToType:               "Tap here to type",
  textInputSend:               "Done",
  textSignHere:                "SIGN HERE",
  textSignatureCancel:         "Cancel",
  textSignatureSend:           "Submit",
  textPlaceholderDefault:      "Type here",

This should be called immedialety after initialization if you always want to use the same copy on the Touchpad. However, if you'd like to change languages during a user session (if the user clicks a language select button on your kiosk, for example), you can change text at any time and send it to the mobile interface by calling touchpadSetText() again:

  textTouchpadInstructions:    "Toque AquĆ­<br>para Empezar",
  textSignatureCancel:         "Regresar",

Finally, if you've switched languages but want to revert back to the default English copy, you can call the following:


Public functions

These methods can be called directly on your instance of the PlusSix class.

widgetEl() : HTMLElement

Returns the QR Widget element. This is what gets appended to your custom container. This can be useful is you want to append the Widget to different containers throughout the lifecycle of your app.

widgetIsConnected() : boolean

Returns a boolean indicating QR Widget's current connection status to the Plus Six server.

widgetNewQrCode() : void

Shuts down the current connection, kicks off any users, and starts a new session for a Touchpad to join. You might call this if your app's state just completed a transaction, for example.

sessionResetTimeout() : void

Resets the user interaction timeout timer. Can be used to manually extend the session if the Touchpad hasn't been touched, which is the standard reset event.

touchpadSetText(configObj: object) : void

Sets new UI copy on the Touchpad interface, with available properties described above. You can choose to set copy once, immediately after initializing the PlusSix object. You can also change copy multiple times during a session. One common use case is to change languages when the kiosk changes its own language setting, for example.

touchpadResetText() : void

Resets the Touchpad back to the default English copy.

touchpadIsConnected() : boolean

Returns whether there's an active touchpad session.

touchpadShowInstructions(newCopy: string) : void

Shows the Touchpad instructions again. Optional newCopy value will trigger an update of all customizable text.

touchpadHideInstructions() : void

Hides the Touchpad instructions and ignores the touchpadKeepInstructions flag.

Public functions for native bridge use only

touchpadFocusTextInput(value, placeholder="Tap here to type", type="text") : void

Lets the Touchpad know that a native textfield has been focused. You can pass the current value of the textfield contents, placeholder text that shows up in the mobile textfield, and an html <input> type attribute to show specific software keyboards. Supported special keyboard types are: text, password, email, tel.

touchpadBlurTextInput() : void

Directs the Touchpad to hide its keyboard and blur the textfield that's assumed to be currently-focused.

touchpadFocusSignatureInput() : void

Lets the Touchpad know that a native signature component has been focused. The mobile interface should show the Signature Pad interface.

touchpadBlurSignatureInput() : void

Directs the Touchpad to hide its Signature Pad interface that's assumed to be currently-focused.


The QR Widget emits events as users connect, html elements are virtually-clicked, data is submitted, and other system state is updated. You can add and remove event listeners like so:

// create event listener function
function onNewQrCode(data) {
  console.log("widgetQrRegenerated", data.touchpadURL); 

// add event listener
plusSix.on("widgetQrRegenerated", onNewQrCode);

// remove event listener"widgetQrRegenerated", onNewQrCode);

The following list of events give your listeners a single data object paramater, with event-specific properties described below.

Kiosk status events:

Touchpad status & touch events:

Touchpad text input events

Touchpad signature events


Emitted when the QR code closes the current room and generates a new one. Provides the URL that the QR code currently points to.

  "touchpadURL": "String"


Emitted when the QR Widget connects to the Plus Six server. No extra data provided.


Emitted when the QR Widget disconnects from the Plus Six server. No extra data provided.


Emitted as the QR Widget session timers run. Fires on requestAnimationFrame in case you want to build your own clock.

  "sessionTimeoutTime": "number",
  "sessionStartTime": "number",
  "sessionEndTime": "number",
  "sessionDuration": "number",
  "sessionTimeLeft": "number",
  "sessionProgress": "number",


Emitted when the QR Widget session interaction timeout clock enters the warning zone. If true, maxSessionDuration lets us know that the user was connected longer than the sessionMaxLength.

  "maxSessionDuration": "boolean"


Emitted when a Touchpad connects to the kiosk via the Plus Six server. No extra data provided.


Emitted when a Touchpad disconnects from the kiosk and Plus Six server. No extra data provided.


Emitted when the Touchpad starts dragging, thus moving the Pointer. Provides the current Pointer location in the kiosk app.

  "pointerX": "number",
  "pointerY": "number"


Emitted when the Touchpad is dragging and thus moving the Pointer. Provides the current Pointer location in the kiosk app, and how far the location moved with the most recent touchmove event.

  "pointerX": "number",
  "pointerY": "number",
  "deltaX": "number",
  "deltaY": "number"


Emitted when a the Touchpad finishes dragging. Provides the current Pointer location in the kiosk app.

  "pointerX": "number",
  "pointerY": "number"


Emitted when a the Touchpad sends a click command. Provides the html element that the Pointer virtually clicked.

  "clickedEl": "HTMLElement"


Emitted when a the Touchpad sends a two-finger scroll gesture. Provides the distance that the user gesture has moved on x & y axis. If the Pointer was hovered inside an element with a plus-six-scroll-container and has a scrollable overflow setting, the scroll gesture will be passed to that container. Otherwise, the scrollEl value will be null, and the window property will be true, telling us that the scroll gesture is being called on the window's outer container.

  "scrollDeltaX": "number",
  "scrollDeltaY": "number",
  "scrollEl": "HTMLElement", 
  "window": true


Emitted when a the Touchpad sends a two-finger pinch gesture. Provides the distance that the pinch has expanded or contracted, and the rotation delta as the pinch touches rotate. If the Pointer was hovered inside an element with a plus-six-pinch-container, the pinch gesture will prevent touchpadScrolled events from firing and pass the pinched element along. This helps us with advanced functionality like pinchable elements inside a larger scrollable element.

  "pinchDeltaDist": "number",
  "pinchDeltaRads": "number",
  "pinchEl": "HTMLElement"


Emitted when a the Touchpad moves the Pointer and provides the HTMLElement that's most recently hovered. This action also toggles the plus-six-hover class on the elements it passes over.

  "hoverEl": "HTMLElement"


Emitted when a text <input> is focused. When this happens, a text input and software keyboard should appear on the Touchpad. Data provides the html element that was focused.

  "inputEl": "HTMLElement"


Emitted when a text <input> is blurreded. Provides the html element that was blurred.

  "inputEl": "HTMLElement"


Emitted when a text <input>'s value is changed by input from the Touchpad. Provides the html element and its new value.

  "inputEl": "HTMLElement",
  "value": "String"


Emitted when a signature component is focused. When this happens, a signtaure pad should appear on the Touchpad. Provides the html element that was focused. This html element should be an

  "signatureEl": "HTMLElement"


Emitted when a signature component is blurred. When this happens, the signtaure pad should hide on the Touchpad. Provides the html element that was blurred.

  "signatureEl": "HTMLElement"


Emitted when a signature component receives a signature image submitted by input from the Touchpad. Provides the signature element and its new base64-endcoded image.

  "signatureEl": "HTMLElement",
  "signatureImg": "String"