Desktop SDK API

To configure and manage your Plus Six integration, use the following integration tools:

Config options

Config options are passed in on initialization via a config json file. You can find the full list of config options and their defaults in the Browser SDK, but there are additional Desktop-specific configuration options outlined below:

API setup

As the Desktop SDK is actually a standalone app rather than a traditional SDK, there's an embedded web server that cann accept commands from any app that can make http requests. As such, you can choose which port the web server should listen to.

Property Type Default Description
webServerPort number 8082 Which port to accept commands on

QR Widget appearance

Since different displays might necessitate a different size for the widget, you can use the following desktop-specific properties to help place it on your screen.

Property Type Default Description
widgetScale number 1 Scale factor for QR Widget window
widgetLocationX number 100 x-coordinate for QR Widget window
widgetLocationY number 100 y-coordinate for QR Widget window

Pointer appearance

The custom cursor is an additional transparent app window that moves around the screen. While it's large appearance can help users see where the cursor is, it could also cause problems with certain screen configurations.

Property Type Default Description
pointerCustomImage boolean true If true, uses the fancy custom pointer image. If this causes issues with your kiosk, try setting to false

Touchpad input

The following touchpad-specific properties can adjust incoming .

Property Type Default Description
touchpadScrollDeltaMult number 0.5 A multiplier for the Touchpad's two-finger vertical scroll feature

Text config

Custom text can be configured in the Touchpad UI by creating a data/text-config.json file. You can start by renaming the example file, and you only need to include properties for text that you want to override. For example, your text-config.json file could look like this:

  textQuit: "Quit",

Public API

The public API for the desktop version comes in the form of an internal web server that can receive http requests to perform specific actions. For these examples, we're assuming a default web server port of 8082. When the app is running, you can find a test page with these commands at http://localhost:8082.

Native app-specific functions

Position, show, and hide the app window

Position the window at an x/y coordinate of 1760, 880:


Hide the window:


Show the window


Quit the app


SDK public functions

End the user session and recycle the QR code


End the user session and recycle the QR code


Key Commands

There are several key commands that can help while setting up the SDK. You can turn all key commands by adding appDebug=true to the launch command.


Quits the app.


Launches the local web page to test the http-based public API.